We are busy with orders for our rainbow fleeces for medical practices and hospital wards. Whilst the NHS is busy administering millions of COVID-19 vaccinations its staff are being kept warm with our rainbow fleeces.
They are proving a big hit, used by all staff within the practice many had them personalised with names or initials. One practice manager said “They are brilliant and look great”.
Thank you NHS for everything you do. Please contact us for prices: sales@stitches4sport.co.uk
Innovative, quality charity sportswear for all budgets.
Our owner raises thousands of money for various different charities, we understand the pressurers you are under to generate increased revenues. We are here to help your charity grow by providing good quality charity products at affordable prices. this could be for an event, running, cycling or promotional products for you to sell.
We are developing a reputation for custom charity sportswear. Combining innovative development with competitive pricing and endless customisation options, our team of specialists develop charity bundles tailored around your bespoke requirements.
Please contact us at sales@stitches4sport.co.uk